Saturday, February 23, 2013

Quirky time out!

So, I've missed a couple Fridays! We (me and my hubby) went to Dallas, and I've just been super busy!

 BUT- I do have a little recipe to share! It turned out delicious! Key words, turned out! I had so much trouble making this! My husband called me, on my way home from work, to let me know we were going to have company that night! I started to freak out! The bathroom needed to be cleaned, the living room needed a quick pick up, the dishes were in need of some attention! AND I needed to cook! My husband was at work himself, or I would have had some help! Ugh!
(stressing just thinking about it)
 I cleaned the bathroom, the living room, and kitchen in record time! (ok maybe I hid somethings in a drawer/our bedroom and shut the door) I had decided to cook some home made cheesy mac 'n cheese. The recipe looked simple enough, the day before, when I had barely read over it. So,I started cooking, and I didn't even look at directions! I just started eyeing things, a pinch here, a tablespoon there. I got to the part about sautéing onions, and I completely burnt them! Filling up the house with smoke! I have the fans on full blast, the windows opened, thinking these people I don't even know are going to be here any minute, and Im going to greet them with house full of make-your-eyes-water smoke!! Not to mention, I still had my comfy work clothes on! I was a frazzled mess I tell you! After I burnt the onions, I decided to actually look at the recipe, and boy did things start to work out in my favor! My husband finally got home, and he let me know his friend couldn't make it, I was a little bummed, since I went through all that work, but also sighed a great big huge gigantic sigh of relief, the house was still smokey, and my make up was not on. Me and hubby got to enjoy a delicious meal to ourselves and he did the clean up, which is always a plus! I also made stuffed salmon to go with our amazing macaroni! Yum!
Its never dull in my quirky life! Just FYI the mac 'n cheese recipe can be found in the Newlywed Kitchen cook book, and the stuffed salmon, from SAM's! 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Quirky Ideas

Today, while at work, I started thinking (uh oh!) of all the things I want to do! Nothing too extreme, just some fun things I've been wanting to do. I decided to write a list, everyone loves lists. This is my "27 before 28".
This isn't a "must do" list, but it is things I would like to accomplish before my 28th birthday next year! I don't think Im going to type out all of my list right now, but next year, on my birthday I'll type it out, and whether or not I can check it off! 

In other news, I have been trying to be "Mrs. Crafty-pants" over here. (I just used MRS, cuz Im a married woman now sigh) I decided to make myself a banner. I have two blank walls by my dining room table, and It was driving me crazy not having anything there! So, here's how I did it:

First, I bought scrap book paper, and then I made a template, about 7 inches across, and 9 inches tall.

I then used that to cut them out, and proceeded to thread a piece of yarn through

                                                    and this is what I ended up with!


I made two! :)

Now, Im left with a blank wall on the opposite side! I can't live with that. I found these, and printed them out. I went to the Dollar Tree, and bought some black simple frames, and ta da!! I have decor for just $3! Can't beat that with a stick! :) 

I feel like it needs something else, but I haven't thought of anything yet! When I do, you better believe I'll blog about it!

I was feeling super crafty, and decided to paint my kitchen chairs! They aren't finished yet, we (I enlisted my hubby's help) are still trying to sand them down! Im new to this, and I didn't realize what I got myself into! Im so excited about the finish product though! 

I love this color.
My chairs. before.
Sanded, but not complete.

Well, I hear Alex (my labradoodle) in the trash! I better get going!! 

Friday, February 1, 2013

Quirky breakfast for lunch

Hi there! Its that time again, time to cook something out of my wonderful newlywed cookbook! For today I decided to do breakfast for dinner, well more like a late lunch, or early supper. I think Im going to call it sunch, or lupper. My husband was working nights, so that means he slept until it was time to eat! Breakfast was just a perfect idea. For my lupper (yes I chose lupper) I decided to make us Topsy Turvy Apple French Toast! This dish was so fun to make! It smelled delicious while I made it too! I had a hard time keeping the apples from my mouth once I poured all the cinnamon on top!

To make this yummy dish you'll need: 4 tblsp spoons butter, 2 Granny Smith apples (peeled, cored, sliced), 1/4 cup dark brown sugar, 1 tblsp cinnamon, 1/2 tsp nutmeg, 1/2 tsp kosher salt, 1/4 cup heavy cream, 3 large eggs, 3/4 cup whole milk, 1 tblsp vanilla extract, large (texas style) bread, 1/4 cup raisins, and 1/4 cup chopped walnuts.
NOW that thats out of the way, I preheated the oven to 350 degrees, and greased a 9 inch pan, then in a skillet I melted that butter, and put those delicious apples in the skillet, added the brown sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, salt and cream. I cooked it until the apples were soft, and delicious and I ate them! haha BUT not all of them, the rest I placed evenly in the pan, and poured any mixture left on top of the apples. In a large bowl I stirred together the eggs, milk, and vanilla. I soaked the bread and then placed them on top of the apples. I then sprinkled the raisins, and walnuts and placed it in the oven for about 35 minutes. Once it was ready, I "topsy turvy'd" them into another dish, so that the apples were on top! I placed whip cream on top, sprinkled some cinnamon/sugar (so it looked pretty) and I also fixed us up some turkey bacon, and you know, some chocolate milk!!

P.S  I did have a problem with the bread, it was a little too soggy for my taste, and I really didn't care much for the raisins. So, I decided next tim Im just going to make the toast on the griddle, and place the apples on top as a garnish, and nix those pesky raisins! My house is still smelling yummy though!

I also made us a dessert, it was suppose to be chocolate dipped key lime popsicle's! Turns out, I forgot about the popsicle sticks, and also needed an aluminum pan! So, I did what any other girl would do, I made us a frozen key lime pie! I actually made homemade graham cracker crust! The filling was super easy (well except for the lime zest, my grater didn't do its job so I had to make shift by finely chopping the zest from the lime) I made a chocolate "frosting", which was suppose to be the dipping sauce, but I used it as frosting! I placed it in the freezer, and it turned out really well.  Im loving trying new things!

This was a really fun lupper to make :) Im excited about next weekend though,Im making one of my favorite meals EVER, but with a twist! I really hope it turns out, I've been blessed with no burnt foods, YET! (I'm keeping my fingers crossed) xoBritney